Ready-made companies

Company name
Country of registration
Organizational and legal form
Declared activity
Year of registration
Nominee service
Open accounts
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Country of registration: Hong Kong
Organizational and legal form: Private Limited Company
Declared activity: General Trading
Year of registration: 2021
Nominee service: Absent
Open accounts: No Bank Account
Licenses: Activities are not subject to licensing
Price: 2 500 euro
Country of registration: Hong Kong
Organizational and legal form: Private Limited Company
Declared activity: General Trading
Year of registration: 2021
Nominee service: Absent
Open accounts: No Bank Account
Licenses: Activities are not subject to licensing
Price: 2 500 euro
Country of registration: Hong Kong
Organizational and legal form: Private Limited Company
Declared activity: General Trading
Year of registration: 2023
Nominee service: Absent
Open accounts: Chouzhou China
Licenses: Activities are not subject to licensing
Price: 17 500 euro
Country of registration: Hong Kong
Organizational and legal form: Private Limited Company
Declared activity: General Trading
Year of registration: 2022
Nominee service: Absent
Open accounts: HSBC Hong Kong
Licenses: Activities are not subject to licensing
Price: 23 000 euro
Country of registration: China
Organizational and legal form: Private Limited Company
Declared activity: General Trading
Year of registration: 2023
Nominee service: Absent
Open accounts: No Account
Licenses: Activities are not subject to licensing
Price: 6 000 euro
UA United LLC
Country of registration: United States of America
Organizational and legal form: Limited liability company
Declared activity: Consulting services
Year of registration: 2022
Nominee service: Absent
Open accounts: Bank of America
Licenses: Activities are not subject to licensing
Price: 6 500 dollars
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