Legal services

Legal Due Diligence

Legal Due Diligence is a legal check of any asset or company in the interests of its current owner, buyer or insurance partner. The relevance of this service is constantly growing, because a lot can depend on the reputation and reliability of your business partners, including the efficiency of your company. In particular, it is not uncommon for companies working with unverified partner clients to have their bank accounts subsequently frozen due to legal problems with these clients and partners.

Due Diligence has significant differences from the usual legal advice or legal opinion. As part of the Legal Due Diligence service, Antwort specialists will help you:

1. Confirm the rights of the current owner to the object of verification — if you are planning an international transaction and want to make sure that the foreign owner of the object is indeed such, and there are no other owners /restrictions on this object
2. Analyze the corporate rights and structure of foreign companies – checking foreign companies before buying them 3. Check the activity for compliance with the requirements of the current legislation – we help to verify the legality of the activities of your clients and counterparties, and also check the availability of appropriate permits and licenses.
4. Identify the presence of litigation against clients and counterparties

Doing international business is always associated with certain risks, but they can always be reduced by entrusting the verification of assets, clients and partners to Antwort specialists.

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23.11.2023, 15:33
Banks now monitor you on the internet
Banks now monitor you on the internet. But how and why? How to successful passage through the adverse media screening.
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Registering a merchant company on Amazon: why do you need the help of a lawyer
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09.05.2024, 10:40
New AML package
Antwort Law provides an overview of the European Union's new anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing package, which was approved by the European Parliament on 24 April 2024.
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