Foreign companies and accounts

Registration and maintenance of foreign companies

Antwort provides full legal support for the registration of companies in the UK, Estonia, Cyprus, Switzerland, the UAE, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong, the USA, Hungary, Malta and other countries.

Antwort Company is a professional in the field of corporate services. We will be happy not only to register a company for you, choose the right jurisdiction, but also to advise you on tax, corporate and financial issues throughout the entire life cycle of the company. Antwort conducts registration of companies abroad in low-tax jurisdictions.

Our range of services includes both the registration of new companies and the purchase of ready-made ones. It is quite easy to register a company or buy a company with a history if you attract professionals in your field to help. Antwort specialists have many years of experience in supporting companies in the most attractive jurisdictions. We will guide you from the very beginning of the preparation of documents for registration to the issuance of documents from the registry. Our specialists will help you to carry out any corporate changes and build the right structure. We will help you choose the form of a legal entity and the type of taxation. With us you will forget about your problems. We work with clients from the IT sector, trading and manufacturing companies, the fintech industry and crypto projects.

Our team consists only of professional, highly qualified and experienced lawyers. We are constantly working to increase the range of services we provide.

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03.11.2023, 14:25
Is Singapore the best alternative to the UAE for setting up a company?
Singapore, though distant, holds its allure – is it worth registering a company in this country today?
04.12.2023, 14:38
For whom is it easier to open a bank account abroad: a startup or an existing business?
Which companies are easier to open an account - startups with zero business history or existing businesses? And what steps need to be taken to ensure that the bank has a positive perception of your company's profile, regardless of previous history? Let's explore these questions with Antwort Law.
05.12.2023, 16:53
Foreign bank accounts: a complete list of documents for successful opening
To operate effectively globally, every company needs a reliable tool for financial transactions - a bank account abroad. When opening it for your business, be prepared to provide much information. In this article, we will look at what documents you need to start and complete this process.
19.12.2023, 14:16
Types of licenses for managing crypto assets
The cryptocurrency business provides extensive opportunities for exchanging, buying, selling, trading, storing, and managing digital assets. Each of these actions requires an appropriate license in the company's country of registration. However, there are scenarios where a cryptocurrency management license is not required. Let's look at this issue closely with Antwort Law, which specializes in supporting cryptocurrency projects.
03.01.2024, 12:22
Benefits of connecting a local number for foreign businesses
When opening an account for a foreign company, it is very important to consider modern banking circumstances. Our practice shows that a local corporate number is an integral part of the successful functioning of a company for two key reasons, which we will discuss in our article using the example of a company in the USA.
11.01.2024, 16:30
Legal address for a company abroad
When registering a company abroad, one of the key issues is choosing a legal address. This strategic decision impacts many aspects of business - from the convenience of opening bank accounts to streamlining the process of receiving and sending important corporate correspondence.
15.01.2024, 10:04
Purchase of a ready-made foreign company
In the context of international business, not all entrepreneurs know that to launch a company abroad, it is unnecessary to do everything from scratch - from registering and obtaining a legal address to opening a bank account. There is an effective alternative - the acquisition of a turnkey company. In our article, we reveal why this option may be attractive for whom, what potential difficulties may arise, and how to implement this process.
05.02.2024, 11:40
Why might a local business need a foreign company?
The rapidly changing geopolitical situation, the growth of international markets and the search for new ways to increase sales are drawing the attention of entrepreneurs to the possibility of opening a foreign company. In this article we will consider in what cases a local business really needs a foreign company.
26.02.2024, 15:34
Ukrainian business in the conditions of war and why businessmen are forced to open companies abroad
Ukraine, like many other countries, is influenced by domestic and foreign political factors. The most significant factor today is war. It led to the introduction of a number of restrictions that have a significant impact on the business environment in Ukraine. Read the new article from the Antwort Law team about which restrictions lead to the fact that Ukrainian businesses have to open a company abroad.
04.03.2024, 11:05
Choosing a free zone for registering a company in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world not only with one of the most favourable income tax rates but also with an outstanding banking sector, innovative infrastructure and the opportunity to obtain tax residency through company registration and avoid the international exchange of tax information.
07.03.2024, 09:57
How do you register a company in the UAE?
Registering a company in the UAE is an opportunity to enter the global market with minimal tax obligations. This country provides zero or very low-income tax, fast registration, 100% company control, modern infrastructure, and the possibility of obtaining a resident visa. Antwort Law specializes in providing clients with everything they need to launch a successful international business in the UAE. Let's look at the basic stages of registering a company in this country.
13.03.2024, 11:36
Why is buying a ready-made company in Spain more profitable?
If you want to start a business in Spain, setting up a company from scratch can take significant time and resources. However, with Antwort Law, you can bypass this complexity by acquiring an existing company from among the promising offers. Let's look at the main advantage of this approach compared to starting a new company.
20.03.2024, 10:52
International trust in the UAE has increased: the country's removal from the FATF gray list
The UAE has taken a significant step in strengthening its status in the global economy: the country was removed from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) gray list, an international organization that develops and promotes measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The decision was taken at the last FATF meeting held in Paris on February 23, 2024. Thus, the international regulator recognized the efforts of the UAE in the field of ensuring financial stability and security.
21.03.2024, 11:03
Choosing a place to register a business: Europe, Asia, USA or UAE?
Opening a business in another country is becoming increasingly accessible and attractive to entrepreneurs. The choice of location for a business is determined by many factors. In this article, the Antwort Law team will look at the importance of choosing the right location to open a business in Europe, Asia, the United States of America and the United Arab Emirates.
01.04.2024, 14:34
Rules of substance (economic presence; substance ) of a company in the UAE: what do you need to know?
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is attracting the attention of entrepreneurs and investors worldwide due to its favourable business climate and constant desire for development, reflected in zero income taxes, speed and automation of business processes. However, according to the UAE Economic Substance Rules, companies must maintain substance (economic presence) to operate in the UAE. Let's examine the UAE's main standard requirements for substance with Antwort Law.
15.04.2024, 09:50
How to buy a shelf company in the UK
The UK is one of the most popular jurisdictions, and its business reputation, climate, entrepreneurial culture, and government preferences enable entrepreneurs to develop their businesses immediately at the international level. However, starting a company here may take more time and effort than it might seem at first glance, but rather a rather long process that will distract you from starting a business. If time is valuable to you, Antwort Law is ready to offer the best solution - purchasing a company already registered and prepared to work in the UK.
17.04.2024, 13:59
Doing business in the UAE: cultural and legal features
The UAE, a country of seven emirates on the Persian Gulf coast, has emerged in recent decades as an important international hub for business and investment. Its favorable business environment, attractive tax system and strategic location attract entrepreneurs from all over the world. However, when doing business in the UAE, it is necessary to take into account both the cultural and legal features of this country, on the understanding of which your success depends. Let's take a closer look at these aspects with Antwort Law.
24.04.2024, 09:20
Offshores: is it worth registering in 2024?
In 2024, the topic of offshore companies continues to be the focus of attention of entrepreneurs and investors worldwide due to the optimisation of taxes, confidentiality and simplified corporate reporting of such structures. However, global changes in international tax regulation and transparency policies are forcing us to rethink strategies for doing business through offshore companies. Antwort Law has extensive experience working with offshore jurisdictions. We will happily tell you what factors should be considered in 2024 before registering such a company.
29.04.2024, 11:51
How to choose a local office in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to be one of the most attractive destinations for international business and choosing office space here is an important consideration that requires careful consideration and careful planning. As experts in the UAE, Antwort Law is pleased to advise clients and visitors to our website in this area.
06.05.2024, 11:18
The cost of registering companies in Britain has increased from May 1, 2024!
The cost of registering companies in Britain has increased from May 1, 2024! This is due to the increase in official fees of the Register of Companies of Great Britain - Companies House. Also, the price increase affected other services of the Register, such as making changes, submitting reports and liquidating the company. Depending on the specific service, the cost of official fees has increased by 2-3 times.
08.05.2024, 10:48
Business abroad: tax aspects and advice
Now many people want or are forced to start a new life abroad, and start by starting their own business. This requires an understanding of foreign tax rules and laws. Therefore, the Antwort Law team has prepared a useful article for entrepreneurs just starting their journey abroad.
20.05.2024, 07:52
Investment company in the UAE
In recent years, the UAE has established itself as one of the world's leading financial centers, attracting investors with a stable economy, favorable tax policy and developed infrastructure. In 2024, Antwort Law's Dubai office officially celebrates its two-year anniversary, during which time we have supported dozens of entrepreneurs from around the world to open and operate their companies in the UAE. Our clients also include many investment companies, so we would like to share our experience with such entities to show all the advantages of doing investment business in the UAE.
29.05.2024, 08:43
Open a company or apply for a freelance visa in the UAE: how to choose the best solution?
The choice between starting a company or applying for a freelance visa in the UAE depends on many factors, including the nature of the activity, expansion plans and business structure. International law firm Antwort Law has prepared a detailed comparison of these two options to help you make the best decision.
31.05.2024, 07:31
Antwort Law office in the UAE turns 2 years old!
Antwort Law office in the UAE turns 2 years old. During this time, our team in Dubai has helped a large number of clients from a variety of business areas - agriculture, IT, trade, logistics, cryptocurrencies, investments and fintech.
03.06.2024, 10:47
Registering a business in the UK
How to register a business in the UK? How long does it take to register a company in the UK, and what documents are needed for this? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article, where we have collected all the necessary information for doing business in England.
07.06.2024, 09:18
Binance receives Dubai: UAE license to register crypto companies
The recent announcement that the cryptocurrency exchange Binance has received a license to operate in Dubai opens up new opportunities for crypto companies in the United Arab Emirates. With a Virtual Asset Provider (VASP) license, Binance can open an office in the emirate and provide digital asset exchange services to qualified investors and financial firms. This event confirms the UAE's progressive approach to cryptocurrency regulation and provides new perspectives for entrepreneurs in the sector.
26.06.2024, 09:46
Designated Zones in the UAE
In honor of the second anniversary of our office in Dubai, the international legal consulting company Antwort Law continues a series of articles about business in the UAE and our next article will tell about the designated zones of this country, created to further stimulate economic growth and attract foreign investment. We'll take a closer look at what gated zones are, the benefits they provide, and how your company can take advantage of these zones for your company.
22.07.2024, 12:11
Offshore in Hong Kong: reality or myth
For many years, Hong Kong has attracted entrepreneurs from around the world with its reputation as a low-tax jurisdiction with no VAT, a simple system for registering and conducting business, and English common law. But does this status remain in the conditions of today's tax and banking regulations, which are being strengthened? In this article, together with Antwort Law, let's find out whether Hong Kong lives up to its reputation as an offshore company today, or whether it is still a widespread myth.
24.07.2024, 08:50
Offshore in Scotland: myth or reality
There is a common belief among entrepreneurs and investors around the world that registering a company in Scotland provides significant tax benefits. Is this really true? We invite you, together with Antwort Law, to objectively evaluate the real legal features, opportunities and advantages of this part of the UK and find out whether Scotland can be called an offshore zone.
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