
Antwort Law office in the UAE turns 2 years old!

Antwort Law office in the UAE turns 2 years old. During this time, our team in Dubai has helped a large number of clients from a variety of business areas - agriculture, IT, trade, logistics, cryptocurrencies, investments and fintech.

Interested in doing business in the UAE?

Now is the best time to take a step and realize your plans!

In honor of our two-year anniversary, Antwort Law offers all clients who contacted our office in the UAE between 06/1/2024 and 07/1/2024 a 20% discount on relevant services.

What services do we provide in the UAE?

All types of corporate and legal services:

  1. Registration of companies, free zones and local ones;
  2. Obtaining different types of visas and assistance in relocation;
  3. Opening accounts for companies and individuals;
  4. Preparation of legal documents that comply with UAE legislation;
  5. Assistance in licensing various types of businesses, including financial companies, crypto businesses, and many others;
  6. Implementation of investment projects in accordance with the requirements of the UAE;
  7. Accounting and consulting;
  8. Networking, establishing business contacts and much more.

Why choose Antwort Law?

Antwort Law is a direct authorized agent in more than 10 different free zones in the UAE and has a wide network of contacts among bankers and financiers, notaries, and other professionals in the UAE.

Our specialists are always happy to meet in person in Dubai and accompany you at all stages of service provision - in government agencies, banks and other institutions.

But the most important thing is the result. We always offer only working solutions!

Contact us to discover the United Arab Emirates!

Diana Gulevskaya

Antwort Law

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