Activity Licensing

Licensing of investment funds

Investment management of several investors united in one pool allows not only to accumulate significant funds, but also to diversify risks for individual investors. It is for this reason that investment funds have become so popular in the world of modern investments. The variety of different types of investment funds makes this tool an excellent solution for many financial projects based on collective investment.

Many countries strive to create favorable conditions for investment funds, but how to choose the most appropriate type of license and fund structure for a particular project? Contact Antwort specialists and we will give you the right answer, taking into account the individual characteristics of your project.

Antwort's range of services for obtaining investment fund licenses includes full support from choosing a country and registering a company that will become the foundation of the fund, to obtaining the appropriate licenses and launching its work. We work with classic European funds (Cyprus, Malta, Luxembourg, etc.), funds in the UAE and Asia, offshore funds (Caymans, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, etc.), as well as with family funds in Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Ireland.

Start launching your investment fund with the participation of Antwort specialists, and we will take care of all legal issues related to its creation and operation.

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19.12.2023, 14:16
Types of licenses for managing crypto assets
The cryptocurrency business provides extensive opportunities for exchanging, buying, selling, trading, storing, and managing digital assets. Each of these actions requires an appropriate license in the company's country of registration. However, there are scenarios where a cryptocurrency management license is not required. Let's look at this issue closely with Antwort Law, which specializes in supporting cryptocurrency projects.
20.05.2024, 07:52
Investment company in the UAE
In recent years, the UAE has established itself as one of the world's leading financial centers, attracting investors with a stable economy, favorable tax policy and developed infrastructure. In 2024, Antwort Law's Dubai office officially celebrates its two-year anniversary, during which time we have supported dozens of entrepreneurs from around the world to open and operate their companies in the UAE. Our clients also include many investment companies, so we would like to share our experience with such entities to show all the advantages of doing investment business in the UAE.
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