International taxes and reporting

Structuring international business

International projects require a special approach to the development of their legal structure. If your team is located in one country, your clients are in another, and the business owner is in a third country, you should contact qualified specialists to develop the legal structure of the business.

Antwort company will help you develop and implement a functional and efficient business structure that will be beneficial in content, as well as protect your assets and preserve business confidentiality.

In order for international business structuring to fully meet your interests, we start by studying your project, agree on all the key goals that you want to achieve, and only after that we begin to develop the appropriate structure.

If you already have an operating international business, we will help you check its structure for hidden risks, give advice on optimizing the existing structure and offer a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals.

What is the first sign that indicates the need to check the existing business structure?

These are difficulties in working with banks and money transfers. If a bank asks you a lot of questions, blocks accounts or even closes them, then it is highly likely that you can talk about hidden problems in the structure of your business.

Ensure your business has a long and uninterrupted operation, starting with the development of its correct legal structure with the company Antwort.

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03.11.2023, 14:25
Is Singapore the best alternative to the UAE for setting up a company?
Singapore, though distant, holds its allure – is it worth registering a company in this country today?
24.07.2024, 08:50
Offshore in Scotland: myth or reality
There is a common belief among entrepreneurs and investors around the world that registering a company in Scotland provides significant tax benefits. Is this really true? We invite you, together with Antwort Law, to objectively evaluate the real legal features, opportunities and advantages of this part of the UK and find out whether Scotland can be called an offshore zone.
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