Foreign companies and accounts

Nominal service

Nominee service involves the provision of services by individuals and sometimes legal entities as nominee directors and shareholders. The purchase of a nominal service is usually aimed at ensuring the confidentiality of the real owner of the company.

The Antwort team will help you choose a director, shareholder or board member for your company. Many clients want to hide their participation in a foreign company and not "shine" their name in the constituent documents when registering a foreign company, and then the real owner uses denominations. But it is important to trust such "owners". Only professionals will be able to legally protect you from illegal claims of denominations and protect your business in case of unforeseen circumstances. Working with the Antwort team, you should not worry about this, because we will prepare all the necessary documents and legally protect you from any risks.

The nominee director and the nominee shareholder act exclusively in the interests of the real owner of the company. Antwort guarantees its clients 100% confidentiality and legal protection against any risks of loss of the company's assets.

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03.11.2023, 14:25
Is Singapore the best alternative to the UAE for setting up a company?
Singapore, though distant, holds its allure – is it worth registering a company in this country today?
22.11.2023, 15:31
What are you actually paying for when you buy a nominal service?
In our article, we share what to pay attention to when choosing a business provider, how to avoid risks, protect your business, and use the nominal service to maximum advantage.
20.03.2024, 10:52
International trust in the UAE has increased: the country's removal from the FATF gray list
The UAE has taken a significant step in strengthening its status in the global economy: the country was removed from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) gray list, an international organization that develops and promotes measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The decision was taken at the last FATF meeting held in Paris on February 23, 2024. Thus, the international regulator recognized the efforts of the UAE in the field of ensuring financial stability and security.
21.03.2024, 11:03
Choosing a place to register a business: Europe, Asia, USA or UAE?
Opening a business in another country is becoming increasingly accessible and attractive to entrepreneurs. The choice of location for a business is determined by many factors. In this article, the Antwort Law team will look at the importance of choosing the right location to open a business in Europe, Asia, the United States of America and the United Arab Emirates.
15.04.2024, 09:50
How to buy a shelf company in the UK
The UK is one of the most popular jurisdictions, and its business reputation, climate, entrepreneurial culture, and government preferences enable entrepreneurs to develop their businesses immediately at the international level. However, starting a company here may take more time and effort than it might seem at first glance, but rather a rather long process that will distract you from starting a business. If time is valuable to you, Antwort Law is ready to offer the best solution - purchasing a company already registered and prepared to work in the UK.
03.06.2024, 10:47
Registering a business in the UK
How to register a business in the UK? How long does it take to register a company in the UK, and what documents are needed for this? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article, where we have collected all the necessary information for doing business in England.
Do I need a financial institution license?
There is a wide variety of financial companies involved in regulated activities. Most of them require an appropriate license.
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