
Legal support for eSports teams at international tournaments

In recent years, eSports has attracted huge audiences and significant investments. As in any other serious business, eSports is now inextricably linked with a number of legal issues. Comprehensive legal support for eSports teams at international tournaments has become extremely important. International law firm Antwort Law will answer the question in which cases eSports teams need to contact lawyers.

1. Contracts and agreements: legal support for eSports teams begins with the preparation and review of contracts and agreements.

Players and teams: Contracts between players and teams define the rights and obligations of the parties. Important aspects include payment terms, contract duration, termination conditions, and rights to use the player's image.

Example #1: A player violates the terms of a contract by signing a parallel contract with another team or sponsor, which can lead to litigation and fines.

Solution: Legal support helps draft contracts with clear terms and penalties for violation, as well as conduct a legal audit of contracts to ensure their compliance with the law.

Sponsorship and Advertising: Sponsorship agreements play a key role in funding teams. Legal support is needed to create contracts that protect the interests of both the team and the sponsors.

Case 2: Tournament organizers change the rules or conditions of participation at the last minute, which can affect the results and preparation of the team.

Solution: Lawyers help teams negotiate contracts with tournament organizers that include protective clauses and penalties for changing the terms.

2. Labor Law

Employment of players in eSports requires legally formalized labor relations: labor relations between teams and players must comply with labor laws, including visas, taxes, and social security.

3. Compliance with International Law

Esports teams must comply with local and international laws, including intellectual property, labor law, and taxation:

Intellectual Property: Copyrights in video games and the commercial use of game materials require licenses and respect for the rights of owners.

Taxation of eSports Revenue: Prize money from international tournaments may be taxed both in the country where the tournament is held and in the country where the player resides. Sponsorship revenue may also be taxed in different jurisdictions.
Example: Prize money received at international tournaments may be taxed both in the country where the tournament is held and in the country where the player resides.

Data Protection: Teams collect and process personal data, which requires compliance with data protection laws (e.g. GDPR in Europe).

4. Dispute Resolution

Conflicts and disputes are inevitable in any industry, and eSports is no exception. Lawyers help resolve conflicts and disputes that may arise between players, teams, sponsors, and tournament organizers.

Esports continues to develop rapidly, and legal support is becoming an integral part of this process. Antwort Law is ready to provide comprehensive support to eSports teams, ensuring successful participation in international tournaments and protecting their rights and interests. If you need advice or assistance with legal matters related to eSports, contact our experts. We will help you navigate the complex world of eSports law and achieve success on the international stage.

Lidia Ivanova

International lawyer
Antwort Law

In what cases does an eSports team need legal support when concluding contracts?
Legal support is important when concluding contracts between players and teams, as well as with sponsors. It helps to formulate clear terms, provide penalties for violations, and ensure compliance with the law. For example, lawyers can prevent conflicts related to parallel contracts between players or last-minute changes to tournament conditions.
What aspects of labor law are important for eSports teams?
Employment relationships between eSports teams and players must comply with labor laws, including visas, taxes, and social security. Lawyers help ensure that all of these requirements are met, which is especially important when participating in international tournaments.
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