International taxes and reporting

Preparation and submission of tax reports

The life cycle of most foreign companies invariably includes regular tax reporting. At the same time, the preparation and submission of reports itself may differ significantly depending on the country of registration and the company's activities.

Contact Antwort specialists for the preparation and filing of foreign tax reports, and you will not have to hire a foreign accountant! Depending on the specific country, we can offer both subscription accounting services and submission of reports during established periods by an outsourced accountant.

As a rule, several parameters affect the volume and complexity of tax reporting:

1. The turnover of the company and the number of transactions
2. Do I need to keep VAT records
3. Whether the company has officially employed employees

If we are talking about filing a regular annual tax report, then, in most cases, it is enough for us to get bank statements from you accounts and primary accounting statements (Contracts, Invoices, etc.), and we take care of everything else.

Why should you entrust the reporting to Antwort specialists? Due to cultural and linguistic differences, foreign accountants often do not listen to the wishes of the client, but we speak the same language! We save you time and money!

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