Legal services

Advising on international sanctions

International sanctions against some countries, individuals and companies have been in place for many years. International sanctions are constantly changing, expanding, being lifted, and new countries are joining them. Globalization has led to the fact that any international business must take into account the impact of international sanctions.

The variability of sanctions regimes requires constant monitoring and adaptation from businesses in order to continue effective work without unnecessary risks. Antwort lawyers will help you to organize the work of your business correctly in compliance with various sanctions regimes.

Our specialists will conduct a sanctions compliance for you: checking the corporate and contractual structures of the company for compliance with the sanctions legislation of the countries in which the company operates, and we will also give advice on possible changes to your structure. Upon request, we will develop individual regulations for compliance with the sanctions legislation in the relevant country.

Thanks to the presence of offices in Kiev, Prague and London and more than ten partner networks in other countries, Antwort specialists can not only effectively monitor all changes in the current sanctions regimes, but also offer working solutions to business.

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