
24.07.2024, 08:50
Offshore in Scotland: myth or reality
There is a common belief among entrepreneurs and investors around the world that registering a company in Scotland provides significant tax benefits. Is this really true? We invite you, together with Antwort Law, to objectively evaluate the real legal features, opportunities and advantages of this part of the UK and find out whether Scotland can be called an offshore zone.
23.07.2024, 10:35
American banks stop servicing Ukrainian entrepreneurs
Ukrainian entrepreneurs who have accounts at Mercury Bank faced new restrictions: Today, Ukrainian entrepreneurs cooperating with the USA received a notice from Mercury Bank about the termination of servicing of their accounts. The letter states that due to recent changes, the bank will stop supporting accounts of companies whose founders hold passports of the following countries:
22.07.2024, 12:11
Offshore in Hong Kong: reality or myth
For many years, Hong Kong has attracted entrepreneurs from around the world with its reputation as a low-tax jurisdiction with no VAT, a simple system for registering and conducting business, and English common law. But does this status remain in the conditions of today's tax and banking regulations, which are being strengthened? In this article, together with Antwort Law, let's find out whether Hong Kong lives up to its reputation as an offshore company today, or whether it is still a widespread myth.
17.07.2024, 11:44
CFC in the UK
International law firm Antwort Law provides advice on various aspects of international tax law, including controlled foreign company (CFC) rules in the UK. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how these rules work, who they affect, and what consequences they may have for individuals and businesses.
15.07.2024, 09:48
How non-domiciled status affects family members of the status holder
International law firm Antwort Law specializes in comprehensive advice in the field of tax planning and regulation in the UK. One of the most interesting and complex issues in this area is non-domiciled status and its impact on family members of the status holder. In this article, we will look at various aspects and examples to help you better understand how being a non-homeowner can affect your family.
10.07.2024, 10:48
Registers of beneficiaries: what is it and who can find out information about you
Information about business owners is becoming increasingly accessible and transparent, and the register of beneficiaries is an important element in ensuring this international trend. This article from Antwort Law reveals that there are registers of beneficiaries and who can deny access to the registers in the middle.
08.07.2024, 11:23
Closing of ABLV and other high-profile cases in the banking world and their impact on the banking sector
The international law firm Antwort Law provides a wide range of services in the field of banking consulting and always monitors changes in the global banking industry. In this article we will talk about a high-profile event in recent years - the closure of ABLV Bank, as well as consider other important cases and discuss their impact on the banking sector.
03.07.2024, 09:25
Opening accounts in UK banks
Today we will talk about one of the most relevant topics in the field of international business - opening accounts in UK banks. Great Britain is known for its reliable and conservative banking system, which attracts foreign investors from all over the world. However, even promising foreign companies often have to face numerous difficulties when opening an account in an English bank. In this article, we will take a detailed look at why such difficulties arise, what are the advantages of opening accounts with British banks, and how to successfully navigate the process.
01.07.2024, 11:53
The real underbelly of the passport business: how to avoid fraud
Antwort Law has been successfully operating in the international legal consulting market for 8 years, providing support to clients, including in complex issues of obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship. In this article, we would like to highlight the reality of the prospect of becoming a citizen of a foreign country “quickly and for money” and share our experience for those who are serious about obtaining a second passport.
27.06.2024, 10:21
The Tax Service of Ukraine gets access to foreign bank accounts of citizens
The State Tax Service of Ukraine received a positive opinion from the OECD Global Forum regarding the maturity of its information security management system and data exchange for tax purposes. This information was published on the official website of the DPS.
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