
30.04.2024, 13:56
Advertising in Dubai: how to coordinate your advertising with government agencies
The United Arab Emirates is known for its vibrant market, which attracts many international brands and entrepreneurs. However, advertising campaigns in this country are subject to strict control by government agencies. Antwort Law provides a short guide to advertising approvals based on recommendations from the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), which regulates educational institutions in Dubai.
29.04.2024, 11:51
How to choose a local office in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to be one of the most attractive destinations for international business and choosing office space here is an important consideration that requires careful consideration and careful planning. As experts in the UAE, Antwort Law is pleased to advise clients and visitors to our website in this area.
24.04.2024, 09:20
Offshores: is it worth registering in 2024?
In 2024, the topic of offshore companies continues to be the focus of attention of entrepreneurs and investors worldwide due to the optimisation of taxes, confidentiality and simplified corporate reporting of such structures. However, global changes in international tax regulation and transparency policies are forcing us to rethink strategies for doing business through offshore companies. Antwort Law has extensive experience working with offshore jurisdictions. We will happily tell you what factors should be considered in 2024 before registering such a company.
22.04.2024, 08:42
How to close a company in the UAE?
Change is an inevitable factor in the world of business and investment, and in some cases companies are forced to go through the process of liquidation due to various circumstances: change in strategy, unwillingness to continue operations or other reasons. In the UAE, where business goes hand in hand with rapid development, winding up a company requires strict adherence to laws and procedures. Antwort Law talks about the stages and requirements of this procedure for those facing the need to liquidate their enterprise in the UAE.
17.04.2024, 13:59
Doing business in the UAE: cultural and legal features
The UAE, a country of seven emirates on the Persian Gulf coast, has emerged in recent decades as an important international hub for business and investment. Its favorable business environment, attractive tax system and strategic location attract entrepreneurs from all over the world. However, when doing business in the UAE, it is necessary to take into account both the cultural and legal features of this country, on the understanding of which your success depends. Let's take a closer look at these aspects with Antwort Law.
15.04.2024, 09:50
How to buy a shelf company in the UK
The UK is one of the most popular jurisdictions, and its business reputation, climate, entrepreneurial culture, and government preferences enable entrepreneurs to develop their businesses immediately at the international level. However, starting a company here may take more time and effort than it might seem at first glance, but rather a rather long process that will distract you from starting a business. If time is valuable to you, Antwort Law is ready to offer the best solution - purchasing a company already registered and prepared to work in the UK.
10.04.2024, 08:29
The impact of Ramadan on business in the UAE: our experience and advice
Ramadan is a holy month for the Muslim world, a time of deep spirituality, self-exploration and renewal of faith, during which strict fasting is observed from dawn to dusk. In the UAE, where Muslims comprise a significant portion of the population, Ramadan greatly impacts business and the economy. For many companies, this is a period of change in the rhythm of work, customer relationships and marketing strategies. Our Antwort Law office in Dubai is also certainly feeling the impact of this period on our work, and we are happy to share how.
08.04.2024, 09:59
Buying real estate in the UAE: key steps and recommendations
The UAE is one of the most attractive places to live and invest globally. High technology, luxury and traditional oriental values are harmoniously combined here. Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other emirates offer incredible business, leisure and real estate investment opportunities. Purchasing a home here provides the owner with a comfortable and safe haven in one of the most developed corners of the planet and opens the door to many privileges. Let's look together with Antwort Law at how real estate is purchased and what it gives to its owner.
03.04.2024, 11:28
Which visa is best for the UAE?
In a world where business opportunities are rapidly expanding, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is becoming an integral part of the global economic landscape. Known for its financial centres, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, the region is a magnet for businessmen and corporations worldwide. Before you enter this world of business, you need the key - a visa. This country provides a wide range of visa categories tailored to suit different purposes of visits, from tourism and business meetings to work and family reunions. Let's look with Antwort Law at the main types of visas available in the UAE, their characteristics, costs and recommendations for choosing the best option.
01.04.2024, 14:34
Rules of substance (economic presence; substance ) of a company in the UAE: what do you need to know?
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is attracting the attention of entrepreneurs and investors worldwide due to its favourable business climate and constant desire for development, reflected in zero income taxes, speed and automation of business processes. However, according to the UAE Economic Substance Rules, companies must maintain substance (economic presence) to operate in the UAE. Let's examine the UAE's main standard requirements for substance with Antwort Law.
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