
Legal support for international exhibitions and conferences

International exhibitions and conferences are important events for businesses, facilitating networking, knowledge sharing and promoting products and services on the global market, but organizing such events requires careful legal support. International consulting company Antwort Law presents an overview of the key legal aspects related to organizing international exhibitions and conferences.

1. Contractual relations

Rental agreements for premises: organizing an event begins with concluding a rental agreement for premises and we advise you to carefully work out the terms of the agreement, including rental periods, payment terms, liability of the parties and cancellation conditions, as well as provide for the possibility of amending the agreement in the event of force majeure;

Agreements with participants and suppliers (technical support, catering, security, etc.) should be clearly formulated and special attention should be paid to the terms of payment, liability for the quality of services provided and dispute resolution;

Insurance against various risks, including civil liability, property insurance and event cancellation insurance should also be provided in advance.

2. Intellectual Property

Protection of exhibits and materials: exhibitors often present new products and technologies that require protection of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks and copyrights.

We help register patents, trademarks and copyrights to protect new products and technologies presented at exhibitions, as well as prepare the necessary documents and represent the company in case of infringement of intellectual rights.

Licensing agreements are necessary when using copyrighted materials, for example, for the demonstration of audiovisual materials or the use of software and other digital resources.

Antwort Law lawyers help to develop and review licensing agreements necessary for the use of copyrighted materials, as well as to conclude agreements with copyright holders and ensure compliance with the terms of licenses, including the demonstration of audiovisual materials and the use of software and other digital resources.

3. Compliance with regulatory requirements: Each country has local regulations for holding mass events, including fire safety, sanitary standards and labor protection rules. In addition, it is important to take into account international standards and best practices in organizing events: for example, the standards of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) can serve as a guide to ensure a high level of organization.

Antwort Law studies and explains local regulatory requirements regarding the holding of mass events such as fire safety, sanitary standards and labor protection rules.

4. Customs procedures are followed when importing exhibits, equipment and materials for participation in the event, which includes declaring goods, paying duties and fees, as well as registering temporary import, if provided for by local legislation.

We help to comply with all customs procedures related to the import of exhibits, equipment and materials and ensure the correct declaration of goods, payment of duties and fees, as well as registering temporary import, if provided for by local legislation.

5. Risk assessments related to the event, including risks of cancellation, unforeseen circumstances, technical failures and participant safety, and plans for their management should be developed in advance.

Antwort Law experts conduct a comprehensive risk assessment related to the event and identify all possible risks.

6. Planning and preparation includes developing evacuation plans, providing medical assistance, installing an access control system and other security measures. Organizers should also prepare an emergency plan and conduct training for staff.

Thus, organizing international exhibitions and conferences requires a careful approach to legal aspects. Antwort Law constantly cooperates with organizers at all stages of preparation and holding of international exhibitions and conferences and promptly identifies and minimizes legal risks, ensuring compliance of all actions with legal requirements. Consultation with our experts will help to avoid legal pitfalls and ensure the successful holding of the event at the international level.

Lidia Ivanova

International lawyer
Antwort Law

Actual Services
What are the main legal aspects to consider when organizing international exhibitions and conferences?
When organizing international exhibitions and conferences, it is important to carefully work out contractual relations, including lease agreements and agreements with participants and suppliers. It is also necessary to ensure the protection of intellectual property, compliance with regulatory requirements, implementation of customs procedures and assessment of risks associated with the event.
How can Antwort Law help in organizing international exhibitions?
Antwort Law offers legal support at all stages of the preparation and holding of international exhibitions, including the development and review of contracts, protection of intellectual property rights, legal advice and risk assessment, which ensures the successful conduct of the event.
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