Legal services

Support of real estate transactions of foreign companies

The use of foreign companies in real estate transactions is sometimes a very convenient and profitable solution. This can greatly simplify various processes for the re-registration of real estate and, in many cases, will save on taxes.

Registration of real estate for a foreign company gives additional security guarantees to its owner, as it opens up opportunities to preserve the confidentiality of its ownership and allows you not to worry about illegal attempts to appropriate it.

Antwort specialists will help prepare all the necessary documents for the purchase of real estate for a foreign company and monitor all aspects of closing the transaction, including notarization and state registration procedures. If the legislation of the country where the property is located allows you to get tax benefits for it, we will also monitor all aspects of obtaining such benefits.

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26.02.2024, 15:34
Ukrainian business in the conditions of war and why businessmen are forced to open companies abroad
Ukraine, like many other countries, is influenced by domestic and foreign political factors. The most significant factor today is war. It led to the introduction of a number of restrictions that have a significant impact on the business environment in Ukraine. Read the new article from the Antwort Law team about which restrictions lead to the fact that Ukrainian businesses have to open a company abroad.
17.10.2024, 08:11
Buying companies with a financial license in Singapore and Hong Kong
International law firm Antwort Law specializes in supporting transactions for the acquisition of ready-made companies with financial licenses around the world. Companies in the Asian region, in particular in Hong Kong and Singapore, are especially popular among our clients. We offer carefully checked solutions, understanding that the acquisition of companies with financial licenses requires the highest level of attention and professionalism. Our portfolio includes companies that have undergone a full legal check, which minimizes risks and ensures the safety of transactions for our clients.
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