
16.09.2024, 11:09
International Double Taxation Agreements: Benefits and How to Avoid Double Taxation
International Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) are bilateral or multilateral agreements between countries that define what income and assets are subject to taxation in each of the countries participating in the agreement to prevent double taxation of income and capital. The first double taxation agreement was signed between Austria and Hungary in 1899. To date, there are more than 3,000 such agreements in the world. In this article, the international law firm Antwort Law provides an overview of the main aspects of the SIDN and how to use it.
11.09.2024, 10:26
Legal regulation of global electronic payment systems
International electronic payment systems provide fast and convenient financial transactions between countries, but their use is associated with many legal and regulatory issues. International consulting company Antwort Law offers a detailed overview of these aspects and provides professional assistance in setting up the processes of receiving and sending electronic payments for your company around the world.
04.09.2024, 09:54
Legal support for international exhibitions and conferences
International exhibitions and conferences are important events for businesses, facilitating networking, knowledge sharing and promoting products and services on the global market, but organizing such events requires careful legal support. International consulting company Antwort Law presents an overview of the key legal aspects related to organizing international exhibitions and conferences.
02.09.2024, 10:48
Legal aspects of international logistics and transportation
Companies in the field of international logistics and transportation of goods face many legal challenges: concluding contracts of carriage, managing carrier liability, customs regulations, complying with international standards and resolving logistics disputes. Antwort Law has prepared a detailed overview of these legal aspects to help companies successfully navigate the complexities of international logistics.
29.08.2024, 09:30
Legal aspects of use artificial intelligence in business
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of modern business, providing new opportunities to optimize processes, improve customer service and increase competitiveness. However, with the growing use of AI, complex legal issues related to ethics, privacy and liability also arise. International law firm Antwort Law offers an overview of the legal aspects of using AI in business and recommendations for their effective regulation.
26.08.2024, 13:15
Payment agents in the UAE: what you need to know about licensing
Doing business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) requires careful compliance with legal regulations, especially in the area of ​​payment processing. Antwort Law is ready to help you with the legal support of your business in the UAE, providing professional advice and services.
21.08.2024, 09:31
Legal aspects of data protection when using blockchain technologies
Blockchain technology emerged in 2008 with the advent of Bitcoin and has evolved significantly since then. Today, it is used to automate and improve the efficiency of business processes by creating decentralized applications and smart contracts. For example, banks actively use these technologies to conduct transactions and increase transparency of operations: JPMorgan Chase has implemented its Quorum platform for secure data exchange between banks, and IBM and Maersk use them to track goods in the supply chain.
19.08.2024, 10:58
Legal Advice for Registering a Trademark Abroad
Registering a trademark abroad is a complex and multi-stage process that requires careful preparation and a careful approach to legal aspects, regardless of the size of the business. International law firm Antwort Law has prepared a guide that will help you avoid common legal pitfalls and successfully register a trademark abroad.
14.08.2024, 09:39
Legal support for eSports teams at international tournaments
In recent years, eSports has attracted huge audiences and significant investments. As in any other serious business, eSports is now inextricably linked with a number of legal issues. Comprehensive legal support for eSports teams at international tournaments has become extremely important. International law firm Antwort Law will answer the question in which cases eSports teams need to contact lawyers.
12.08.2024, 08:09
Gambling Licenses
International law firm Antwort Law offers comprehensive advice on gambling licensing. In this article, we will look at what to consider when choosing and obtaining a gambling license, including license types, geographic features, taxation and fees.
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