
How to notarize and apostille documents in the UAE?

Apostille and notarization of documents in the UAE requires a careful approach and a deep understanding of local procedures and regulations. International law firm Antwort Law often helps its clients with this process, which can be lengthy and quite expensive. In this article, we will cover in detail all the stages and nuances that you may encounter, as well as provide useful tips to help you successfully complete the process.

1. If the document was issued in the UAE:

If the document was issued in the UAE, it must be certified by a local notary - public or private. Private notaries may offer more flexible hours and process documents faster, but their services may be more expensive. This process includes several key stages that ensure the legal force and authenticity of the document.

1.1. Preparing documents

Before you go to a notary, you need to prepare several mandatory documents:

-   Original document: This can be any official document issued in the UAE, such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate or commercial contract.

-   Two copies of the document: The original must be accompanied by two copies, which will also be certified by the notary.

- Identity cards: To confirm your identity, you will need two identification documents, such as a passport and Emirates ID (UAE residency card). 

1.2. Translation into Arabic

All documents that you plan to have certified by a notary must be translated into Arabic by an accredited translator officially recognized in the UAE. The translation must be accurate and match the original, as any discrepancies may result in the notarization being refused.

1.3. Notarization

To have a notary certification done, you must make an appointment in advance, and keep the following points in mind:

- The document must be signed in the presence of a notary so that the notary can verify the authenticity of the signature and the identity of the signatory.

- The notary checks the document for compliance with all requirements, certifies the signatures and puts his seal and signature on the document, which confirms its legal force.

The cost of notarization in the UAE depends on the type of document and the level of the notary office. On average, the price varies from 100 to 500 AED and takes from several hours to one working day, depending on the complexity of the document and the workload of the notary.

2. If the document was issued outside the UAE and you want to certify it for use in the UAE:

(!) An apostille significantly simplifies the process of international recognition of documents and replaces the legalization process, but only for countries participating in the Hague Convention. Unfortunately, the UAE is not a party to this convention, so documents issued outside the UAE must additionally undergo a more complex and multi-stage legalization procedure to be recognized as valid in the country:

2.1. Notarization in the country of issue

The first step is to notarize the document in its country of origin - this means that the document must be presented to a notary in the country where it was issued to confirm the authenticity of the signature and the contents of the document. The notary checks the document, certifies the signature and puts his seal, which makes the document officially recognized within the country.

2.2. Apostille

Once notarized, the document must undergo the apostille procedure, which is carried out only by the relevant government agency, usually the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or its equivalent in the country of issue. This step is critical for the recognition of the document in other countries, including the UAE.

2.3. Legalization at the UAE Consulate

Once the apostille has been obtained, the document must be legalized at the UAE Consulate located in the country of issue. Consular legalization is the process of confirming that a document apostilled in its country of origin will be recognized as valid in the UAE. The consulate verifies the authenticity of the apostille and certifies the document for its further use in the UAE.

2.4. Legalization at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

The final step is to legalize the document at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). This is the final stage that makes the document officially recognized and valid throughout the UAE. MOFA verifies the authenticity of all previous certifications and issues the final certification of the document.

Preparing the document: Before submitting the document to MOFA, ensure that it is translated into Arabic by an official translator and has all the necessary certifications, including notarization and apostille.

Submitting the document to MOFA: For legalization, the document must be submitted to the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs along with a receipt for the service fee. Legalization usually takes from one to three working days, depending on the workload of the service.

The cost of legalizing a document at MOFA is about AED 150 per document. This is a standard fee, but it may vary depending on the type of document and other factors.

Thus, the process of legalization of documents issued outside the UAE is a multi-stage procedure that requires a careful approach and compliance with all legal regulations. To successfully complete this process, we recommend the following:

1) Make sure that all documents are not only translated into Arabic, but also notarized in the country of origin, if required.

2) Check in advance which documents require an apostille and which require legalization at the consulate.

3) Take into account that some countries may have their own specific requirements for document certification, and failure to comply with these requirements may result in denial of legalization in the UAE.

It is also necessary to take into account that special conditions and additional stages of legalization may apply for business documents. Antwort Law offers individual advice on specific cases, as notarization and legalization requirements may vary significantly depending on the type of document, its country of origin and its intended use in the UAE. Our company is ready to provide expert advice and support at all stages to ensure that all documents comply with local legal standards and are recognized in the UAE.

Lidia Ivanova

International lawyer
Antwort Law

Actual Services
What documents issued in the UAE need to be prepared for notarization?
To get a notary certification in the UAE, you need to provide the original document (for example, a birth certificate or a contract), two copies of this document and two identification documents (passport and Emirates ID). A translation of the document into Arabic is also required.
What steps need to be taken to legalize a document issued outside the UAE?
To legalize a document issued outside the UAE, you need to go through three stages: notarization in the country of issue, apostille (if the country is a party to the Hague Convention), legalization at the UAE consulate and final legalization at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).
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