
Britain begins the process of forced closure of companies

The Registration Chamber of the United Kingdom (Companies House) has published an official warning on its website that from October 10, 2020, British companies will be forcibly excluded from the register (compulsory strike off) if, according to the Registration Chamber of the United Kingdom, such companies no longer work and do not do business.

Since April 2020, the procedure for forcibly excluding companies from the register has not been temporarily applied due to quarantine due to coronavirus (COVID-19). This month, the need for such a measure was revised, and starting from October 10, 2020, the procedure will be applied again in a standard manner.

Companies that meet the following criteria will be placed under compulsory liquidation in Britain:

1. The company did not submit the necessary documents to the registry in time, and did not respond to requests and letters from the Registration Chamber of the United Kingdom (Companies House).2. Letters sent by the British Registration Chamber are returned as undelivered, inactive address.3. The Company has no acting directors.

As a rule, British companies receive at least two letters to their registration address from the Registration Chamber responsible for maintaining the register of British companies before forced closure. If the letters remain unanswered, then a corresponding note is published in the official newspaper (Gazette) – such information is also available in the open online register of UK companies.

From the moment of publication in the Gazette, the owners of British companies that are under threat of forced closure will have two calendar months.

Many businessmen use British companies in their activities. It is not difficult to register a company in the UK, but it costs qualified experts, such as Antwort Law consultants, to entrust its service.

Antwort Law provides a full range of legal, tax and corporate services for British companies, including licensed ones. If you have any questions, Antwort Law specialists will be happy to help!

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