
Legal aspects of online game production

Online gaming has become a real phenomenon and one of the most profitable segments of the entertainment industry. Behind the scenes of this business, there are many legal issues that require careful consideration and a professional approach. For example, Epic Games (Fortnite) faced lawsuits for copyright infringement and unauthorized use of dance moves, and the developers of the Pokémon GO game faced legal problems due to violations of user privacy. Leading experts at Antwort Law have analyzed the legal aspects of online game production and are ready to share their knowledge and experience.

Intellectual property is one of the key areas that requires attention when creating online games, as well as registration and subsequent protection from illegal copying, use and distribution of the following elements:

  • Copyrights: protect source code, graphics, music and scripts;
  • Trademarks: game name, logo and slogans;
  • Patents: can protect unique game mechanics or software solutions.

Licensing and contracts: Creating an online game often requires the use of various licensing agreements:

  • Software licenses: If the game uses third-party software solutions or libraries, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate licenses and comply with their terms;
  • Music licenses: Using music in the game requires obtaining licenses from copyright holders or using works in the public domain;
  • Contracts with contractors and employees: It is important to enter into contracts with developers, designers and other employees, ensuring that all legal requirements are met and the company's intellectual property is protected.

Data protection and privacy: The collection and processing of user data is an important aspect of online gaming, where it is imperative to comply with data protection laws, such as:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the European Union: requires obtaining consent from users for the collection and processing of their data, as well as ensuring the right to access, correct and delete data.
  • COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) in the United States: regulates the collection of data from children under 13 and requires parental consent.

Microtransactions and monetization: monetizing games through microtransactions, subscriptions, and advertisements requires compliance with various legal regulations:

  • Microtransaction regulation: many countries have laws governing micropayments that require transparency of terms and consumer protection;
  • Advertising: must comply with consumer protection laws and not mislead users.

Taxation: revenue from online games is subject to taxation according to the laws of different countries, and it is important to consider:

  • Taxation of income: developers must pay taxes on revenue from game sales, microtransactions, and advertising;
  • Tax treaties: to avoid double taxation, it is necessary to consider international tax treaties and consult with tax specialists.

Regulation and standards: the production of online games is also regulated by various standards and regulations:

  • Age ratings: games must comply with age ratings, such as the ESRB in the US or PEGI in Europe;
  • Consumer protection: It is important to comply with laws that protect consumer rights, including the right to a refund and quality service.

Legal support for online game production plays a key role in ensuring the successful launch and operation of the project. Responsible protection of intellectual property, compliance with privacy and tax regulations, as well as regulation of microtransactions and advertising will help to avoid legal problems and create a solid foundation for the growth and development of the company. Antwort Law offers comprehensive legal services for online game developers. Our experts will help you cope with all legal aspects and ensure the success of your project in the international arena.

Lidia Ivanova

International lawyer
Antwort Law

Alina Natalushko

Antwort Law

What types of intellectual property are protected in online games?
Copyrights (source code, graphics, music, scripts), trademarks (game name, logo, slogans) and patents (unique game mechanics) are protected.
What laws govern the privacy of user data in online games?
Key laws include GDPR in the EU, which requires user consent to collect and process data, and COPPA in the US, which regulates the collection of data from children under 13.
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