
Digital nomad visa in Italy

On April 4, 2024, Italy announced the launch of a new immigration program — a digital nomad visa designed for foreigners who work remotely, have an annual income of at least €32,400 and want to live in the country. In this article, Antwort Law will take a closer look at the benefits of moving to Italy for remote employees and freelancers, and provide useful information on how you can apply for a Digital Nomad visa that allows you to work and live in one of Europe's most scenic locations.

First, let's understand what a digital nomad visa is. Names may vary, but generally this government program is for foreigners who work remotely and receive income from foreign employers. The visa has already been launched in many European countries. For example, Estonia offers its program for digital nomads, which allows you to work remotely for a year; in Portugal, a D7 visa is available, intended for people with regular passive income; The Czech Republic offers a "zivno" visa for individual entrepreneurs and freelancers. 

For Italy, the didgital nomad visa is a good way to stimulate the local economy through taxes and consumption, but what advantages does the country itself have to offer compared to its European counterparts, apart from standard features such as free movement within the Schengen zone?

1)  Rich cultural heritage and scenic landscapes: Italy is known for its historic cities, architectural masterpieces and magnificent natural beauty. Living in a country rich in culture and art provides not only the opportunity to work in comfortable conditions, but also enriches the personal experience, allowing you to explore museums, galleries and other attractions.

2) Mild climate: Thanks to the mild Mediterranean climate, Italy offers comfortable living conditions all year round, which is especially attractive to those looking for a place with warm winters and pleasant summers. 

3) Housing affordability: Unlike some other popular destinations, affordable housing can be found in Italy even in the big cities or on the coast. This makes the country affordable for digital nomads of all budgets.

The path to Italian citizenship through a visa

A digital nomad can apply for a PMP after five years of residence in Italy, and for citizenship after ten. To do this, it is necessary to confirm your income, pay taxes correctly, demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language at the B1 level by taking a language test and confirm permanent residence in the country for the last 10 years. 

Requirements for applicants

1) To prove his income, a digital nomad must demonstrate an annual income of at least 32,400 euros. This amount may be adjusted depending on the Italian minimum wage. In addition, it is necessary to open a deposit in an Italian bank of at least 30,000 euros;

2) Applicants must provide a contract with a foreign company for at least one year, confirming the possibility of remote work. At the time of application, the applicant must have at least six months of remote work experience. The set of documents includes the employer's founding documents and proof of tax payment. It is also necessary to prove that the company has been operating for more than six months;

3) Take out medical insurance in the amount of at least 30,000 euros;

4) have a certificate of no criminal record for the past five years;

5) rent or buy housing in Italy;

6) Pay taxes regularly and submit a tax return. 

Finally, consider the economic aspect that Digital Nomads who decide to move to Italy should consider - local tax obligations. In Italy, the tax system for foreigners means that anyone who resides in the country for more than 183 days per year is considered a tax resident and is liable to pay taxes on worldwide income. The current rate of income tax for individuals varies from 23 to 43%, depending on the level of income. In addition, additional municipal and regional taxes may apply. 

Digital nomads planning a long-term stay in Italy are advised to consult with a tax consultant to optimize tax obligations and take advantage of possible benefits, such as a special regime for new residents, which allows you to significantly reduce the tax burden for the first 5 years of residence in the country. Antwort Law has extensive experience in the field of migration law and successfully helps clients move and adapt to new countries. By contacting us, you get a reliable partner who will help you at every step of your move and adaptation.

Lidia Ivanova

International lawyer
Antwort Law

What are the basic requirements for a digital nomad visa in Italy?
To obtain a digital nomad visa in Italy, applicants must have an annual income of at least 32,400 euros, provide a contract with a foreign company for at least one year, take out health insurance for at least 30,000 euros, have a certificate of no criminal record for the last five years, rent or buy a home in Italy and pay taxes regularly.
What are the advantages of living in Italy for digital nomads?
Italy offers a rich cultural heritage and picturesque landscapes, a mild Mediterranean climate and affordable housing even in large cities or on the coast. This makes the country attractive to digital nomads with different budgets.
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