
13.07.2020, 12:16
Looking for an alternative: PayPal will limit internal transfers in Russia
On August 31, 2020, the international payment system PayPal stops internal transfers in Russia. What does this mean for business and for ordinary people? The PayPal website says that Russian users are no longer able to transfer money across Russia to both companies and individual users. The payment service is preparing a reorientation to international payments. Any user will be able to use the services […]
07.07.2020, 14:16
Company registration in Hong Kong
Premium solution for international business Pay attention to Hong Kong, one of the most popular and sought-after destinations for doing business. Hong Kong over the past couple of years has not just expanded its borders for international business, but also hit the jackpot. A huge number of startups are registered in Hong Kong: WeLab, Aqumon, Asia Pay, PayMe and Ofo. Hong Kong is becoming a real Asian startup hub, […]
06.07.2020, 17:51
Protect the content on the site from copyright infringement
Antwort Law Practical Experiment (Part 1) We should immediately note that we will NOT talk in this publication about what copyrights are, how the content on the website relates to them, what value it represents and what theoretical methods of copyright protection for content exist – enough has already been written about this. BUT if you encounter […]
01.07.2020, 15:19
It will become more difficult to open a bank account in the Baltic States
The Baltic countries have been used for many years by businessmen from all over the world as a window into the banking world of Europe. Geographical proximity to the CIS and widespread knowledge of the Russian language by residents of the Baltic countries have made opening accounts in banks in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia a very popular solution for entrepreneurs from the CIS and, especially, Russia. An additional cherry on the cake has always been inexpensive service, simplicity […]
30.06.2020, 12:29
Russia terminates the Agreement on avoidance of double taxation with Cyprus
  "The main offshore of Russia" stops working? Cyprus is a very popular country for structuring international business. Especially Cyprus, with its low taxes for local companies and trusts to preserve confidentiality, businessmen from the CIS like to use. Cyprus is often a connecting link through which capital is transferred from CIS countries to offshore and back. In particular, according to the Central Bank […]
30.06.2020, 06:04
The Netherlands has adopted a law on the register of beneficiaries
The Dutch Senate has passed a law on the introduction of the register of ultimate beneficiaries of owners of legal entities (UBOs). The new register will contain all personal information about the ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities in the Netherlands. Such innovations are a clear echo of the recent changes in the AML policy of Europe. In the Netherlands, the register will be part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry's trade register. Some information about the beneficial owner […]
25.06.2020, 17:26
What are the disadvantages of accounts in payment systems that everyone is silent about?
Opening an account in the payment system for a foreign company is an extremely popular solution today. This is not surprising, given the difficult situation with the opening and operation of current accounts in classical banks. On the topic of the advantages of an account in a payment system, you can find a lot of information – from banal advertising of the payment systems themselves to various profile (and not only) articles. At first glance, […]
24.06.2020, 11:08
The personal income tax rate (personal income tax) will increase in Russia
For 20 years, Russia has maintained a flat scale of personal income tax (personal income tax) — regardless of the amount of income, all citizens paid a tax of 13% of their income to the state budget. On June 23, 2020, the President of the Russian Federation in his next televised address announced an increase in the personal income tax rate from 13 to […]
22.06.2020, 15:48
Register a company with an account in the UK
Registration of a company in England — all the Pros and Cons Every day the popularity of ordinary offshore companies is falling – it has become extremely inconvenient to use them in the structure of international business due to the great difficulties in opening bank accounts and maintaining confidentiality. Most developed countries have already adopted laws on Controlled Foreign companies (CFC) and joined the automatic exchange of tax information, […]
19.06.2020, 14:34
Difficulties in making currency payments for Alfa-Bank clients
Recently, Alfa-Bank has been experiencing failures. Many customers complain about problems with currency transfers. Users face delays in sending payments and even refusal to make some payments outside the Russian Federation. Foreign companies with current accounts in Alpha do talk about problems in transferring any transactions. Sending payments to certain destinations (such as […]
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